woensdag 25 februari 2015

De Doelen - concerthal

Rotterdam has always a lot to offer in the field of cultural events. De Doelen is not an exception in this, better yet, it’s one of the best known concert buildings in the Netherlands.

There took about 1200 events  place in the Doelen last year, with a variety of themes such as classic, worldly music or fun jazz nights! They also played an important role during the International Film Festival. Of the Rotterdam inhabitants about 25% visit the Doelen at least once a year. Not only for cultural events, the Doelen building can also be used as congress building.

The monumental building is located in the middle of the city (literally), next to the central station, and in the middle of the ever-growing city center. But it wasn’t always located here. In 1844 the Doelen opened its doors at the Coolsingel. After almost  100 years the doors of this old concert building had to be closed.
The current building opened its doors in 1966, after 4 years of building. This building was seen as the crown on the whole ‘wederopbouw’ (rebuild) of the city. In the first 20 years after the war the rebuilt has focused on houses and offices. The 18th of May was not a random day for the opening of the concert hall, it was literally 20 years after the start of the wederopbouw.
Right away the Doelen became a huge success. Today still the halls are of the best acoustic quality, and a right diverse schedule. There are concerts for children, indoor jazz festivals and much much much more!

Would you like to live in Rotterdam? Domica Rotterdam helps you with your search for an apartment, house or studio. Check our website, Domica Rotterdam

, for more information! 

woensdag 18 februari 2015

Housing in Rotterdam

You are an expat and you are new to Rotterdam. Your first priority is to find a good home or an apartment on a fine place in Rotterdam. 

Domica Rotterdam has years of experience in housing of Expats in Rotterdam. Domica Rotterdam offers different types of units for rent. This includes apartments and family homes. Also you can choose if you would like to rent a furnished house or not. All our furnished houses are in perfect condition. Domica Rotterdam has many apartments and family homes in "De Stadsdriehoek", Hillegersberg, Kralingen en Blaak. . Also near International Schools in Rotterdam has Domica Rotterdam several beautiful homes for Expats in the rental. Domica Rotterdam organizes everything for Expats in the area of housing. We start our search for your perfect house allergy while you are abroad. Once you arrive in the Netherlands we can directly begin our tour to your perfect home. Domica Rotterdam always picks you up at your hotel. Domica Rotterdam also works with a lot of different relocation agencies including Tulip Expat Services, which can help you with your other questions. Domica Rotterdam ensures that we will find you the perfect house! Are you an Expat and looking for houses in Rotterdam? Apartments of family houses? Furnished of unfurnished? Call or email us! + 31 (0) 10 268 00 24 / rotterdam@domica.nl. We will be happy to help you!

Housing in Rotterdam

U bent een expat en u bent nieuw in Rotterdam. U eerste prioriteit is het vinden van een goed huis of een appartement op een fijne plek in Rotterdam.

Domica Rotterdam heeft een jarenlange ervaring in het huisvesten van Expats in Rotterdam. Domica Rotterdam heeft verschillende soorten woonruimten te huur. Denk hierbij aan appartementen, eengezinswoningen, of een studio. Ook heeft u de keuze of u een gemeubileerde of een gestoffeerde woning wilt huren. Domica Rotterdam heeft veel appartementen en studio's in het centrum, de Stadsdriehoek, Blaak en Kralingen. Ook nabij de internationale scholen in Rotterdam heeft Domica Rotterdam verscheidene mooie woningen voor Expats in de verhuur.

Domica Rotterdam regelt alles voor Expats op het gebied van huisvesting. Wij beginnen onze zoektocht naar u perfecte gemeubileerde of gestoffeerde woning al terwijl u nog in het buitenland bent. Zodra u voet zet op Nederlandse bodem kunnen we dus gelijk beginnen met een tour van woningen die voldoen aan uw woonwensen.

Als Domica Rotterdam voor u de juiste woning heeft gevonden, verzorgt Domica Rotterdam voor u het huurcontract en de sleuteloverdracht. Ook werkt Domica Rotterdam veel samen met verschillende relocation bureaus, waaronder Tulip Expat Services, die u verder kunnen helpen met uw overige vragen.

Domica Rotterdam zorgt dat u zich bij ons thuisvoelt! Bent u een Expat en op zoek naar woonruimte in Rotterdam? Een appartement of een eengezinswoning? Gemeubileerd of gestoffeerd? Bel of mail ons! 010- 268 00 14, wij helpen u graag!

woensdag 11 februari 2015

The market hall

Everyone seems to want to live in the market hall, with its beautiful apartments and perfect location, and just the same does everyone want to visit the market hall. It opened back in October 2014 and we’re getting quite used to it already, so what is the final verdict on the market hall?

Yes, the market hall is really the place to be. Not only do they offer a large variety of fresh, biological products, it’s also a place with multiple restaurants. The products are not the only thing that offers  a large variety, the restaurants also have very different menus. There is one specialized in hamburgers, one specialized in fish, an Italian restaurant, tapas restaurant and many many more!
You don’t want to go out for dinner, or you rather do your groceries somewhere else? You can also enjoy a nice drink in one of the many bars that the market hall has to offer. In the middle of the hall you’ll find two elevated terraces, where you can overlook the whole hall while enjoying a drink.
But to be honest, you don’t even have to spend money to experience the hall. It’s already nice to walk through the hall, see the beautiful ceiling (which actually is the largest artpiece of the Netherlands) , enjoy all the different people and just look at all the products on offer.

On the downside, the market hall did experience some problems with its ventilation. Especially in the winter it draught sometimes gets so unbearable cold inside that they switch between opening the sides of the market hall. The doors are not opened both at the same time, which creates a line at on or the other side of the hall.
Even though it’s not as cold as sitting in front of a cafĂ© on the streets in the winter weather, it is not warm. So you’ll still have to enjoy your drink with your jacket on.

Yet, in the end those are only technicalities and you can easily enter the hall without standing in line by entering through one of the restaurants on the sides. The market hall is really a busy and fun place to visit. There is so much you can do there, and the product really are lovely. Yes, I think the market hall is a great addition to the city!

Would you love to rent an apartment near the market hall? You’ll be within walking distance of the Blaak station, public transport, the market hall, the center of the city and the popular shopping street the Meent! Check out our website www.Domica.nl/en/rotterdam/listing for more information. We can help you and answer all the questions you’ll might have about the city! 

woensdag 4 februari 2015

Coffee time!

Previously I wrote about where to get a good beer, or a nice glass of wine, but where to go for a cup of coffee? This week I’ll present to you a few of the many good coffee bars of the city!

The Urban Espresso Bar
Probably the most populair coffeebar of the city! The small bar is located at the Botersloot, in the center of Rotterdam (near the new Markethal!) and is runned by the Australian Jo McCambridge. The bar got so popular that they needed to open a second bar on the Nieuwe Binnenweg.
The coffee is made of beans of Ethiopia or Panama, and with a homemade piece of cake (or a lovely sandwich) your coffee is complete!

Hopper Coffee & Bakery
Decorated with a lot of wood and concrete this coffee bar looks much like any other, but Hopper Coffee & Bakery is much more than that. Just like the name says this bar included their own bakery. The bar and the bakery are in the same room so it’s not only fun to watch, but the constant smell of baked bread will welcome you for a lovely lunch!
It’s not surprising that this bar won the prize for best coffee bar in the Netherlands of 2012!
You can find Hopper Coffer & Bakery at the Schiedamse Vest!

Even though a lunch is a bit more expensive  (and it’s not really worth it) the coffee is an absolute winner! The cappuccino is served with liqueur and whipped cream, a glass of water, and a cookie. A very complete coffee! Three years in a row they won the Ketelbinkie coffee prize (2009 – 2011), and because it’s located near the Koopgoot it’s definitely a popular place to have a nice cup.

Would you love to live in Rotterdam? Check Domica Rotterdam for more information!